Sunday, 21 July 2013

Day 70 - Mt Gambier to Portland.

Weather has cleared a bit, so we went to Blue Lake to see what colour it was.

Even on a grey day it was blue.

Then we went to see the largest wind farm in the Southern Hemisphere. Turbines everywhere. About 130 of them. Impossible to get them all into one picture even with panorama. Funny how the weather cleared for a few minutes and then got overcast again.

Just after we left Mt Gambier, Jeff remembered that he had forgotten to get more fuel so I looked up the mileage and found that it was about 100 kms. We both laughed, we were only going to do 100 kms, we would be there by lunchtime with plenty of fuel. Just so used to driving huge distances that even though it looked a long way on the map the scale had changed and it was 4 times bigger than before for the same distance! Again so many pine plantations along the road. Before we knew it we were crossing the border and passing through Nelson. More and more pine plantations.
Arrived in Portland and drove around to look at the port.

Some lovely buildings in Portland.

Settled into a seaside van park and hoped it wouldn't get too cold. Ten weeks on the road!

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