Saturday, 21 May 2011

What to do? – 19/5/2011

When we got up this morning Jeff jumped up, grabbed the holder he thought the mouse (by now named Alice) was in and threw it out the door and shut it quickly. We had had a difficult night and had to decide what to do next. We needed to go back 30 kms to Alice Springs to get water, fuel  mouse traps and new runners for Jeff (his got holed on a sharp stone.) When we were there we decided to head north and not risk any more mouse experiences.
Off we set up the highway again. We stopped at Aileron where they have giant sculptures of an aboriginal man, woman and child.

Pushing further north we arrived at the Devil’s Marbles Campground ( NT 24) to stay the night. Set the traps but no noise from Alice. Darwin is a bit worried, he doesn’t want to get nibbled by Alice.

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